Sunday, 25 May 2008

Swamped By College Work

But almost over, working like a dog at the moment and have had to sacrifice not just some vpt (valued playing time) but vdt (drinkin) too $^@#&.

Did manage a decent run 3-tabling the 25c / 50c 6-max over at stars, along with a couple of donk-n-goes (1 2nd and 1 bubbled to some f-tard who was pushing every hand). Prefer the full rung though so not sure 6-max is for me, at least with the ring you can multi-table, also the decent players are drawn to the 6-max (increased hands = better hourly rate blah blah) and the newbies / donks find their way to the ring games first. That is my theory at least.

Anyway, bankroll like a yo-yo, FPPs growing (looking for a new ipod with some decent memory from these). Will update again when my assignment is in.

DA Pimp,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice blog pimp,you talk a lot of sense.good luck moving through the levels.